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This is the most advanced original mouth bird whistle on the market today. The membrane produces a high, clear & clean sound. The whistle body is very durable like leather and is soft in the mouth. The ring to hold the membrane in place is of stainless steel. Every whistle comes in the original packaging with easy to follow instructions.
The bird whistle is easy to use for everyone. Put it on the tip of your tongue with the round, white, jagged side backwards. Press it gently up against the roof of your mouth (palate), and just blow & pronounce (with some pressed air) sounds like TSH..Chips or Cheese! Move your mouth, lips, and tongue, find all the moves and sounds, and you will surprise anyone!
You can use the bird whistle again and again. Just dry it in fresh air (do not store it wet in the package for a longer time before it is completely dry first), then you can use it again any time you want: Just place the whistle back in your mouth, wet it for a minute, and there it goes again! With some care a great instrument for endless whistling fun, as long as you want!
Every single bird whistle is packed in the original package containing easy to follow instructions, making this amazing instrument a perfect original surprise that is ready for action. All year round there are countless occasions where you can amaze people around you!
Official Site of the Original Bird Whistle ™ - The world's primary source for high quality mouth bird whistles.
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Not suitable for very small children (under 8 years); - please keep out of reach!
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